Saturday, August 2, 2014

Welcome to my World

I was watching the news the other day and was struck with the amount of negativity.  You see it everywhere, don't you?  News, Facebook, media.  We're bombarded with messages of dissatisfaction, encouraged to be discontent with our belongings, subjected to images and messages of inhumanity, hatred, poverty.  I thought to myself, I wish I could live in a world of positivity, encouragement, joy, love and cake. (Yes, cake. I love cake!)  Then I decided that I would live in that land, and share it with you.  So welcome to my world - I call it "Daily Joy Supply Co."

Daily encouragement, stories of positivity, reminders of God's love and gifts for you will be more "newsworthy" and expected here.  So will cool recipes to try, neat crafts and décor, my favorite things to see, visit or read.  And soon, a store with fun, handmade items to help you encourage someone, spread joy or celebrate life. Here, we will be grateful for everything, practice thanksgiving and find a reason to celebrate daily. Why?  Because the world can be an ugly place - but goodness, love, beauty and kindness ALWAYS win.

Welcome!!  Come, visit, stay, pull up a chair and a cup of java (or tea, or whatever...) and share. Glad you're here!

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